Wednesday, July 16, 2008
BK1 Sunglasses Wrap Style UV400 Lens for Baseball, Softball, Cycling, Golf, Kayaking & Active Lifestyles
I was about to throw sports betting out the window because I didn't think it was good for me, but I realized I didn't spend enough time researching each game and take in consideration the trends, angles, injuries, weather conditions, etc... so it was my fault my winning percentage was so low. I finally invested in a sports handicapper for my picks and it was the absolute best thing that I have ever done. I now get all picks from a professional handicapper that spends at least 10 hours a day analyzing all games, trends, angles, etc... I didn't have enough time to do this as I was working full time and this wasn't my job just my passion for sports betting. Sports handicappers usually bet on the betting line or betting lines of multi games. The reason being to not bet on the moneyline because it just isn't worth the investment. Many moneyline betting you see is something like this. -230 on a game, which means you need to lay down 230 bucks just to win 100. Not worth it. Betting on lines or point spreads of a game definitely is the best thing you can do. A lot of people ask what are the odds for the Super Bowl? This is called a future wager and you can make a future bet on who even wins the Superb Bowl in 2009, 2010, 2011, etc... the online world of betting has opened the doors to new styles, odds, trends, etc.. not accustomed to the old style of betting.
Sports Betting Odds
When I started out betting on sports, I nearly bet on everything. Some crazy ones were Florida gators football, big east basketball, mid major basketball, and even my huge winning was in 2005 on the big east tournament 2005. I made a killing off this tournament and so much profit. Not enough profit though, to quit my day job, buy a new car, a house, and to support my kids and family just off of sports betting. I was winning only 48% of all my picks, which is good but not enough to live on.
Sports Betting Odds
1995 World Series: Atlanta Braves vs. Cleveland Indians
For many years the Braves had Chipper Jones and the great pitching if Smoltz, Glavine and Maddux. These stars, a supporting cast Bobby Cox and the best pitching coach in the National League were constants that brought the Braves a consistent string of East Division Championship and numerous National League Championships. But when it came to the World Series something would happen to cause them to lose the World Series often close exciting series like th 1991 series against Minnesota or 1996 and 1999 against the Yankees. But during this great run 1995 was the only series they actually won! This may come as a surprise to many baseball fans.
Let me put you in the right frame of reference with an illustration we can all relate to, unfortunately. You're up to bat, it's a 2-2 count, and the guy has a nasty curve ball you haven't seen in a while. A quick thought runs through your mind and you wonder if you might see it this pitch. He winds, you ready yourself, the pitch is released, and sure enough it's the big hammer. Strike three looking. You trudge slowly back to the dugout with your head down, teeth clenched in frustration as you grab your spot on the bench.
Everybody is always looking for the secret for this or for that in baseball. Well here it is, the raw and uncut version of how to use imagery and take your hitting game to the next level... fast.
What if you can manage your replay efficiently? If you've ever experienced being in the "zone" this is what it feels like to have your thoughts fully under control. Your mind will have 100% focus and concentration on your task at hand without any room for scattered thoughts about what you should have done.
You must change your station after you experience a negative result as an athlete. Here is the meat of this concept. If you've spaced out until now, this is the paragraph you'll want to understand. I'll use the previous example of the strikeout looking above. I use this image because it's often an opportune time for your instant replay to run haywire quickly. The key after the strikeout is to take a minute once back in the dugout, or before the next inning starts out in the field, and change your mental channel. Most athletes will replay the strikeout over and over again, getting more frustrated in the process. It's what feels normal, and you're mind will do this automatically. Instead, play the at bat over again in your mind, but this time with a positive ending. Maybe it's a base hit through the hole, maybe it's a double off the wall in deep left, or it could possibly be a bunt base hit. Repeat the at bat multiple times in a row and then give it a rest and refocus on your current task on defense. The next time you're on deck, play the positive result instant replay series again and you'll be fully prepared for your following at bat.
I will be writing as if I was providing some mental baseball instruction to an athlete. If you are a coach or parent reading this, just pick up the concepts should you choose to pass the idea on.
The concept is called imagery, or visualization. In non-scientific language, it's simply mental weight-lifting. And the reason many of you have heard of if it is simply because rarely does baseball instruction before the collegiate level emphasize it. I'll give you a taste, but it's up to you to search out more on the topic and really chew on it.
Negative thoughts running through your mind takes up space in your head used for concentration and relaxation. If your main focus is on how poorly you performed in your last at bat then you cannot use that energy for anything productive at that moment or for moments afterwards. It takes time to change your energy and focus. And if you allow your mental replay system to switch channels frequently, you'll soon find yourself not relaxed when you need to be.
Take a quick trip back to a game where you struck out with the bases juiced. What did you think about in the field the next inning, or the next time up to bat? Whatever your thoughts were about your performance, good or bad, is called imagery. The more you condition your thinking either positive or negative, the more your body will respond to what is familiar. This is why athletes that are in a hot streak have a bad game and then sometimes slip into a little slide, or a full blown slump. It's not because they suddenly forgot the skill of hitting, their visualization was horrible.
Baseball Instruction - How To Add 50 Points To Your Batting Avg Sitting On The Couch
If you haven't experienced the above scenario yet, you haven't been playing long enough. It will happen a couple dozen times to you. But, the real problem is not the strikeout; the best in the game strike out all the time. No amount of drill training or baseball instruction can prevent it.
What if you can't control your thinking?
The issue is your automatic instant replay system in your head is working overtime for the rest of the inning. It's playing back your strikeout mentally over and over and over for you to think about. Your imagery you are giving yourself stinks. It's programming your body to react the same way the next time you find yourself in a similar situation. The cool part is, you can fully manage your instant replay system with some practice.
Don't worry, this is not a promo article on some illegal growth hormone, or some attempt to counter all you've ever learned during your baseball instruction about hard work, practice, and dedication. What I'm about to help reveal to you takes different practice compared to going out to the ballpark every day to work on your skills. It takes more dedication than working out in the cold and rain all winter. It won't transform your game over night; but, if the skill is developed, then I'm confident you will experience a serious boost to your batting average.
The chance of getting to the next level is determined largely by your ability to control your thoughts and feelings and use them to your advantage. This is especially true if you have a goal of playing professionally. The use of imagery is a must-you'll never get there without it. Ok, enough of the philosophical mumbo jumbo, here is how the concept is applied to your game.
Baseball Instruction - How To Add 50 Points To Your Batting Avg Sitting On The Couch
The only catch to this skill development is that it takes time. Just like hitting a baseball takes time and practice to master, so does mental conditioning. But once you get it, the results will be spectacular.
Let's begin.